Subject: Automatic reply: Dress Display Tools (1)
Sender name: AutoReply FamosaUSA (1)
Sender email: [email protected] (1)
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Plain text version of this message

Thank you for contacting Famosa.
We are pleased to inform you that our Consumer Service Department has successfully received your request. In short, we will contact you to provide a solution.

El contenido de este correo electr?nico, incluidos los anexos que pudiera contener, es confidencial, siendo su uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencionada/s en el mismo. Si usted no es el destinatario del mismo, no le est? permitido usarlo, copiarlo o difundirlo ni total ni parcialmente, por cualquier medio. Proceda en consecuencia a devolverlo a su remitente y a su eliminaci?n. La publicaci?n, uso, difusi?n no autorizada de este mensaje y sus anexos, en todo o en parte, est? estrictamente prohibida. Ponemos en su conocimiento que, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, le informamos de que sus datos personales de contacto, como destinatario de la presente comunicaci?n, ser?n tratados por FABRICAS AGRUPADAS DE MU?ECAS DE ONIL, SAU ("FAMOSA") de conformidad con su inter?s leg?timo en mantener relaciones comerciales con usted o la entidad para la que presta servicios. El tratamiento de sus datos se extender? durante el tiempo que duren las relaciones comerciales, o hasta que nos comunique su oposici?n al tratamiento de sus datos personales. Podr? ejercer este derecho, as? como el resto de los derechos reconocidos en la normativa de protecci?n de datos, en la siguiente direcci?n de correo [email protected].
Para m?s informaci?n, visite la Pol?tica de Privacidad del Grupo Famosa publicada en<>.

This email and its content, including any attachments thereof, is confidential and for the use of the intended recipients only. If you are not the intended recipient and you have received it by error, you are not authorized to use, copy, resend or divulge it, whether totally or partially, by any mean whatsoever. Hence, you are expected to resend it to the sender and to eliminate or erase it from all your files. Any not-expressly authorized publishing, use or divulgation of this email and its content is strictly prohibited. In compliancy with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 ("RGPD"), we hereby inform you that your personal contact details, as addressee of this email, are being processed by FABRICAS AGRUPADAS DE MU?ECAS DE ONIL, SAU ("FAMOSA") for the purpose of maintaining commercial correspondence with you or the entity for which you're rendering your services. The processing of your personal data shall be carried out only as long as such commercial relationship is maintained, or until you notify us your opposition to the processing of your personal data. You may exercise such opposing right, as well as any other right granted upon you by the RGPD, by sending us an email to the address [email protected].
For more information, please check our Privacy Policy published in<>.

Raw version of this message

Return-Path: <>
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 Server id 14.03.0123.003; Wed, 16 Oct 2019 00:21:31 +0200
From: AutoReply FamosaUSA <[email protected]>
To: Grace <zfbl@[FILTERED]>
Subject: Automatic reply: Dress Display Tools
Thread-Topic: Dress Display Tools
Thread-Index: AQHVg6blhaODSskpVU+bHKan4ILJcw==
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 22:21:31 +0000
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Thank you for contacting Famosa.
We are pleased to inform you that our Consumer Service Department has succe=
ssfully received your request. In short, we will contact you to provide a s=

El contenido de este correo electr?nico, incluidos los anexos que pudiera c=
ontener, es confidencial, siendo su uso exclusivo de la/s persona/s mencion=
ada/s en el mismo. Si usted no es el destinatario del mismo, no le est? per=
mitido usarlo, copiarlo o difundirlo ni total ni parcialmente, por cualquie=
r medio. Proceda en consecuencia a devolverlo a su remitente y a su elimina=
ci?n. La publicaci?n, uso, difusi?n no autorizada de este mensaje y sus ane=
xos, en todo o en parte, est? estrictamente prohibida. Ponemos en su conoci=
miento que, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/67=
9 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, le informam=
os de que sus datos personales de contacto, como destinatario de la present=
e comunicaci?n, ser?n tratados por FABRICAS AGRUPADAS DE MU?ECAS DE ONIL, S=
AU ("FAMOSA") de conformidad con su inter?s leg?timo en mantener relaciones=
 comerciales con usted o la entidad para la que presta servicios. El tratam=
iento de sus datos se extender? durante el tiempo que duren las relaciones =
comerciales, o hasta que nos comunique su oposici?n al tratamiento de sus d=
atos personales. Podr? ejercer este derecho, as? como el resto de los derec=
hos reconocidos en la normativa de protecci?n de datos, en la siguiente dir=
ecci?n de correo [email protected].
Para m?s informaci?n, visite la Pol?tica de Privacidad del Grupo Famosa pub=
licada en<>.

This email and its content, including any attachments thereof, is confident=
ial and for the use of the intended recipients only. If you are not the int=
ended recipient and you have received it by error, you are not authorized t=
o use, copy, resend or divulge it, whether totally or partially, by any mea=
n whatsoever. Hence, you are expected to resend it to the sender and to eli=
minate or erase it from all your files. Any not-expressly authorized publis=
hing, use or divulgation of this email and its content is strictly prohibit=
ed. In compliancy with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliam=
ent and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 ("RGPD"), we hereby inform you tha=
t your personal contact details, as addressee of this email, are being proc=
ose of maintaining commercial correspondence with you or the entity for whi=
ch you're rendering your services. The processing of your personal data sha=
ll be carried out only as long as such commercial relationship is maintaine=
d, or until you notify us your opposition to the processing of your persona=
l data. You may exercise such opposing right, as well as any other right gr=
anted upon you by the RGPD, by sending us an email to the address proteccio=
[email protected].
For more information, please check our Privacy Policy published in www.famo=<>.